jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Task 3 - Create an image based writing activity using PicLit

    At the beginning of the course we will divide our class in four or five groups (depending on the number of students). This groups we will work together on a project or final task at the end of every didactic unit and every single member of the group will have a responsibility, a role within the group that will rotate after the end of the tasks.
This groups will be based on the sailing teams of the Ocean Race, a sailing competition around the world. The idea is to learn to work in groups, cooperate and help each other through a sport competition that will motivate them and help them to open their minds, not only to teamwork but to discover and appreciate different cultures throughout the world.

    Every team will create their Team panels, with the positions on board (roles in the group), interesting facts about the members of the group.

    In this activity, aimed to students with an A2 level of course 4th ESO (it could be applied to any course). The students will be required to look for a quote (from a song, a poem or famous quote) or to create their own motivational sentence to encourage the team through the race/course. They will create their motto using Piclits (PicLits.com), a creative writing site that will match images with their quotes that will inspire the rest of the class.

Here you can find some examples:

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