jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Task 2 - A set of worksheets for A2 level students

I have selected four different worksheets to be used with students of 4th of ESO, that are supposed to have an A2 level of English.

  1.  This first worsheet is designed to put in practice the different uses os the future tenses "will" and "going to" and it consists in three different excercises. 

  • In the first one, students must circle the correct verbal tense. 
  • In the second one, we needto fill the gaps with the correct future tense.
  • In the last exercise, students must decide if the rules explaining the future tenses are true or false, which I think it is very interesting for the students to infer the rule from the examples

This worksheet has been selected from the webpage https://en.islcollective.com/ and the author has provided a black and white worksheet in order to be copied and a key to correct the exercises


2. This second worsheet consists in a game. This las 3 worksheets will help our students to describe people both physically and psychologically.
This is the classic game of "Gess who". The students will be divided in couples and each couple will be provided with a board with different characters. Each student will pick one that her or his opponent might guess by asking questions about the characther's physical features.
The author of this worksheet provides us a guide with possible questions that will imply the use of present simple tense.

3. This worksheet is a funny and motivating way to learn vocabulary to describe people personality. By the description os the star signs the students will have fun explaining if they feel reflected by the adjectives of their own satr sign or guess their mates horoscopes.

4. After all the vocabulary learned with the previous exercise, the students are able to complete this excercise of collaborative writing, found in the beautiful book written by Jane Arnold Imagine that! in which we can find different exercises dealing with affective elements

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